
Double exposure photography is a creative technique that combines two or more images to create a unique and artistic composition. It can be a great way to capture the innocence and beauty of children in a visually stunning way. In this article, we will explore some double exposure portrait ideas specifically designed for children.


1. Nature and Wildlife

Children have a natural curiosity and fascination with the world around them. Incorporating elements of nature and wildlife into double exposure portraits can create a magical and enchanting effect. Consider blending images of your child with flowers, trees, or animals to create a whimsical and dreamy composition.


2. Fantasy and Fairytales

Children love stories and fairytales. Use this as inspiration for your double exposure portraits. Combine images of your child with elements of fantasy, such as castles, unicorns, or fairies. This will not only create a visually stunning portrait but also allow your child’s imagination to come to life.


3. Silhouettes

Silhouettes can add a touch of mystery and drama to your double exposure portraits. Capture the outline of your child against a bright background and blend it with another image, such as a sunset or a cityscape. This technique can create a striking contrast and emphasize the unique shape and form of your child.


4. Reflections

Reflections can add depth and complexity to your double exposure portraits. Capture your child’s reflection in a mirror or a body of water and blend it with another image. This can create a sense of duality and showcase different aspects of your child’s personality.


5. Textures

Textures can add visual interest and tactile appeal to your double exposure portraits. Incorporate images of different textures, such as fabric, leaves, or sand, and blend them with your child’s portrait. This can create a multi-dimensional effect and make your portraits more engaging and interactive.


6. Light and Shadows

Light and shadows can create a dramatic and ethereal effect in your double exposure portraits. Experiment with different lighting techniques, such as backlighting or side lighting, to capture interesting shadows on your child’s face. Blend these images with other elements to create a captivating composition.


7. Personal Objects

Including personal objects in your double exposure portraits can add a sentimental touch and tell a unique story. Incorporate items that hold special meaning to your child, such as a favorite toy or a cherished book, and blend them with their portrait. This will create a personalized and meaningful composition.


8. Motion Blur

Motion blur can add a sense of energy and movement to your double exposure portraits. Capture your child in motion, such as running or jumping, and blend it with another image. This will create a dynamic and lively composition that showcases your child’s playful nature.


9. Color Palette

Choosing a specific color palette can create a cohesive and harmonious look in your double exposure portraits. Select a color scheme that complements your child’s features and personality. This can be achieved by blending images with similar color tones or using color overlays in post-processing.


10. Emotions

Double exposure portraits can be a powerful way to capture and convey emotions. Encourage your child to express different emotions, such as joy, sadness, or curiosity, and blend these images with other elements. This will create a series of portraits that tell a story and evoke a range of emotions.



Double exposure portrait photography offers endless possibilities for capturing the beauty and essence of children. By incorporating elements of nature, fantasy, textures, and emotions, you can create unique and captivating portraits that will be cherished for years to come.


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