A picture speaks a thousand words, and photographs have power. Photographs have put criminals behind bars, held ministers accountable, changed governments, and incited public protests. Photographs have also kept loved ones alive, stopped moments for eternity, captured first step, first win, and first love. Pictures have the power to bring about change.

Remember Kevin Carter’s Pulitizer winning photograph of the vulture and the girl? It made such a huge impact in the international societies highlighting the plight of people in Sudan, that the help being offered to the poverty-stricken country was multiplied by times. Or the photographs from Israel-Palestine conflicts focussing on injured children? The photos affected people a lot more than any news report could.

Photography in itself is an art. And as simple as it might look from far, it has several intricacies. A professional coach is always an aid for beginners who want to take photography seriously, but practice is an equally important aspect.


Some tips beginner photographers can abide by to get better captures


Use Basic Instruments: The entry-level DSLRs are the best for amateur photographers. They have simple controls and easy functions. And they have great lenses that capture beautiful pictures.

Understand the Basics: Get familiarized with all the terms and technicalities of the camera and photography. Know what exposure is, why shutter speed is important and what an aperture is. They are important.

Practice: The one thing common that every renowned photographer always advises is to practice. Know that for a beginner, the first 1000 photos will always be lacking. It will take many shots, many failed attempts to finally get the good shots. But the journey of those thousand failed shots must be completed.

Lenses: A right lens help click the right picture. And it all depends on what is being shot. A Telephoto lens must be used when shooting wildlife and sports events. A prime lens is good for portraits and scenery, while a wide-angle lens is for landscapes. The lens must be chosen according to the topic of capture.

Automatic Mode: Most entry-level DSLRs have an automatic mode. Beginner photographers can always use it till manuals are being mastered.

Learn To Compose: Here are some photography ideas for beginners to compose a mesmerizing picture:

  • Focus on the symmetry. It will tell where the right angle is for the frame
  • Use natural frames such as windows, open doors, curtains to make it look natural
  • Contrast is an excellent storyteller, and it is even better when used between the subject and the background
  • Keep both the eyes on action and center the dominant eye.
  • Patterns are better when colliding. They enhance the aesthetic environment and the subject
  • Use diagonals for uneven location. 

Visuals: Use colors, lights, objects, and shapes to fill the details and bring a texture to the image. It will help to showcase your visuals in a very effective way.

Rule of Thirds: The use of four lines creates the rule of thirds. Keep two lines horizontally and two lines vertically so that it all together makes a grid of nine squares. Divide the picture in these boxes to get a better knowledge of the image and the view. The geometry helps in the positioning of the subject. 

Lighting: Balanced lighting is one of the essential elements of a good picture. A picture with proper lighting means half the work is done. Well, adequate lighting is not only restricted to the moon, sunsets, or starry skies. It is again, the art of manipulation.

Accessories: Invest in a tripod. Blurry pictures are a common problem and tripods come in very handy.

Follow straight line: The straight lines convey several moods, and each viewer has different opinions while viewing them. Be it vertical lines or horizontal, both portray a diverse choice of interest.

Software: Use good photo-editing software like Adobe Photoshop. This software is very important for the right post-processing and the final output of your image.

Always Carry the Camera: No one knows when a right shot is seen. Having a camera all time ensures there is no missing of good opportunities.


Tips for Shooting in Portrait Mode

Below are some quick photography tips for beginners trying to use portrait mode:

  • Frame your subject. It provides a theme to the picture
  • Use wider angles to capture better and memorable shots
  • Try to be playful with the background
  • You don't have to frame the picture vertically only; you can go for horizontal as well even in portrait mode
  • Find an angle to hold your camera
  • Play with the subject and fill the background
  • Try to use natural lights if possible


Tips for Shooting in the Dark 

Here are some easy photography tips for beginners to photograph in the dark:

  • Camera stability is essential. Otherwise, it will make the picture shaky and blurred
  • Increase the ISO to its maximum limit. Take a few shots to check its effect
  • Decrease the Shutter speed as much as possible so that it can allow more light to enter the camera eye by keeping it open
  • Keep the flash off if possible. It will make it look more natural


Tips for Shooting a Landscape 

Here are some easy photography tips for beginners to photograph a landscape:

  • Create a sense of depth by using a small aperture, from f/16-f/22 because this keeps objects in the foreground and background sharp. 
  • Keep the camera on a tripod, and use a wide-angle lens.
  • Polarizing filters darken the sky and therefore bring out the blues in contrast to the white of the clouds. Neutral Density (ND) filters prevent too much light from entering the camera. This is useful on bright days when the camera is unable to give you a slow shutter speed
  • Water in subdued light can create beautiful effects and reflections. Use it as a mirror.


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Happy Capturing!


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