Forced perspective photography employs optical illusions to alter the perceived size, proximity, or distance of objects in an image, creating the impression that they are larger, smaller, closer, or farther away than they actually are. This technique offers a playful and imaginative means to capture distinctive and attention-grabbing photographs.


How does forced perspective photography work?

Forced perspective photography capitalizes on the brain’s susceptibility to visual trickery, leading it to perceive objects as being different in size or distance than reality. This is achieved by strategically placing objects at varying distances from the camera and utilizing the camera’s perspective to manipulate their perceived dimensions.

For instance, to make a person appear colossal, they would be positioned nearer to the camera and made to stand behind a smaller object, like a toy car. The camera’s perspective would then create the illusion that the person is significantly larger than the toy car, even though their actual sizes are identical.


Examples of forced perspective photography

  1. An individual seemingly supporting the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  2. A child standing beside an oversized toy truck.
  3. Someone reaching out to touch the moon.
  4. Railroad tracks seemingly vanishing into the horizon.
  5. A roadway appearing to ascend into the sky.


How to Capture Forced Perspective Photos:

To successfully capture forced perspective photos, careful consideration of composition and subject placement is crucial. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Discerning Subject Selection: Opt for subjects that possess distinct and recognizable scales. For instance, a person is an ideal subject due to our intuitive understanding of their size.

  2. Leverage the Camera’s Perspective: The camera’s vantage point is pivotal in creating the illusion of forced perspective. Position objects closer to the camera to make them seem larger, and farther away to make them appear smaller.

  3. Utilize Leading Lines: Incorporate lines within the photo that direct the viewer’s gaze towards a specific point. This technique fosters a sense of depth and distance. For example, a road or railway track can serve as leading lines, guiding the eye towards the horizon.


Tips for Shooting Forced Perspective Photos:

Consider these supplementary suggestions for capturing compelling forced perspective photos:

  1. Employ a Tripod: Stabilizing your camera with a tripod is essential for preventing blurry images resulting from camera movement.

  2. Shoot in RAW Format: This provides greater flexibility during post-processing, enabling adjustments to exposure and color.

  3. Explore Different Angles and Perspectives: There are no strict rules in forced perspective photography, so feel free to experiment with various angles and viewpoints to achieve diverse results.

  4. Embrace Mistakes: The most effective way to master forced perspective photography is through experimentation and learning from errors. Be unafraid to try new approaches and observe the outcomes.



Forced perspective photography presents an enjoyable and imaginative approach to photography, yielding images that are both distinctive and captivating. It serves as a means to experiment with your photographic skills and produce visuals that astonish viewers. So, grab your camera and embark on a journey of exploration!


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